import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import difflib
import re
from fuzzywuzzy import process
from utils import load_config
from w4h_db_utils import create_w4h_instance, get_existing_databases, populate_tables, populate_subject_table
CONFIG_FILE = 'config.yaml'
[docs]def preprocess_string(s: str) -> str:
"""Preprocess the string by converting to lowercase, replacing underscores with spaces,
tokenizing, and then reconstructing without special characters.
s (str): String to preprocess
str: Preprocessed string
# Convert to lowercase and replace underscores with spaces
s = s.lower().replace('_', ' ')
# Tokenize the string and remove special characters
tokens = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', s)
# Reconstruct the string with spaces
return ' '.join(tokens)
[docs]def find_closest_name(col_names: list, targets: str) -> str:
"""Find the closest column name based on substrings.
col_names (list): List of column names to search through
targets (str): String containing the target column names
str: Closest column name
score_threshold = 60
def_choice = col_names[0] # default
# Preprocess column names
preprocessed_to_original = {preprocess_string(col): col for col in col_names}
preprocessed_col_names = list(preprocessed_to_original.keys())
# Extract best match using fuzzywuzzy
match, score = process.extractOne(preprocess_string(targets), preprocessed_col_names)
return preprocessed_to_original[match] if score > score_threshold else def_choice
[docs]def populate_db(df: pd.DataFrame, db_name: str, mappings: dict, config_path: str):
"""Populate the database with the given dataframe.
df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing the data to be inserted into the database
db_name (str): Name of the database to insert the data into
mappings (dict): Dictionary containing the mappings between the CSV columns and the database tables
config_path (str, optional): Path to the config file. Defaults to 'config.yaml'.
st.write("Populating database...")
populate_tables(df, db_name, mappings, config_path)
[docs]def main():
"""Main function for the streamlit app"""
# Load the config
config = load_config(config_file=CONFIG_FILE)
config_path = CONFIG_FILE
st.title("W4H Import Hub")
selected_db = None
# Choose between existing or new database
db_selection_options = ["Choose existing W4H database instance", "Create new W4H database instance"]
database_option =
"Select an option",
# Handling the chosen option
if database_option == db_selection_options[0]:
# `get_existing_databases()` retrieves the list of existing databases.
existing_databases = get_existing_databases(config_path) # This function needs to be implemented.
selected_db = st.selectbox("**Select an existing database**", existing_databases)
elif database_option == db_selection_options[1]:
new_db_name = st.text_input("Enter new w4h database instance name")
if st.button("Create"):
# Here, implement logic to create the new database with the name new_db_name.
create_w4h_instance(new_db_name, config_path) # This function needs to be implemented.
st.success(f"Database '{new_db_name}' created!")
selected_db = new_db_name
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a CSV file", type="csv")
# option to populate subject table or feature time series tables
is_subjects_populated = st.checkbox("Populate subject table?")
if uploaded_file and is_subjects_populated:
# set subject table name
subject_tbl_name = st.text_input("Enter subject table name", value="subjects")
st.success("File uploaded!")
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file)
st.write("Columns in your CSV:")
if st.button("Populate Database"):
populate_subject_table(df, selected_db, config_path, user_tbl_name=subject_tbl_name)
st.success("Database populated!")
if uploaded_file and not is_subjects_populated:
st.success("File uploaded!")
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file)
st.write("Columns in your CSV:")
# Map columns
# Default selections based on column name similarity
default_timestamp = find_closest_name(df.columns, 'time timestamp date start_time end_time')
default_user_id = find_closest_name(df.columns, 'user id email')
timestamp_col = st.selectbox("**Select Timestamp Column**", df.columns, index=df.columns.get_loc(default_timestamp))
user_id_col = st.selectbox("**Select User ID Column**", df.columns, index=df.columns.get_loc(default_user_id))
# Foldable block for optional mappings
mappings = {
config['mapping']['columns']['timestamp']: timestamp_col,
config["mapping"]['columns']['user_id']: user_id_col,
table_mappings = {}
with st.expander("**Map Features to W4H Tables**", expanded=True):
st.write("Map your CSV columns to corresponding W4H tables.")
choices = ["None"] + list(df.columns)
for target_table_name in config['mapping']['tables']['time_series'] + config['mapping']['tables']['geo']:
target_table_label = ' '.join([label.capitalize() for label in target_table_name.replace('_', ' ').split()])
def_choice = find_closest_name(choices, target_table_label)
mapped_col = st.selectbox("Select Corresponding Column", choices,
key=target_table_name, index=choices.index(def_choice))
table_mappings[target_table_name] = mapped_col if mapped_col != "None" else None
# Once mappings are set, allow the user to populate the database
if st.button("Populate Database"):
mappings = {**mappings, **table_mappings}
populate_db(df, selected_db, mappings, config_path)
st.success("Database populated!")
if __name__ == "__main__":